Full operator training curriculum focusing on safety and productivity.
VISTA's Logic Series™ operator training curricula for mining are significantly more effective than traditional mine training programs.
High Performance Operator Training Curricula for Mining
Many mines are finding traditional classroom heavy equipment operator training and computer-based (eLearning) training just isn't effective. Trainees are not retaining enough of the knowledge when they transition from the learning environment to actual equipment in the field.
A blended learning curriculum, which utilizes multiple media to deliver learning that is best suited to the needs of adults, can help mines to address this training challenge. Blended learning curricula often include these components:
Computer-based self-study eLearning
Check your knowledge quizzes and tests
Job aids and other performance support tools
Assessment data and feedback loops
Structured on-the-job (OJT) coaching and mentoring
VISTA Training has taken the lead in the mining industry by developing the Logic Series™ (Gold Series™) - instructionally designed, integrated learning programs which help mines deliver the superior productivity and unmatched safety they demand. Many times, there is even a culture change that stems from the entirely new approach to learning.