We believe that VISTA Training offers the finest safety training products. But you don't have to take our word for it.
Read these case histories and construction case studies to learn about the challenges our customers faced, the VISTA solutions they implemented and the results they were able to achieve with them.
VISTA Case Histories & Testimonials
We believe that VISTA Training offers the finest safety training products and services to the mining, construction and related industries. Of course we'd say that. But don't take our word for it. Read these case histories and construction case studies to learn about the challenges our customers faced, the VISTA solutions they implemented and the results they were able to achieve with them.
Contact us to talk about how we can generate similar results for you!
Mining & Aggregates​
How New Gold mine created its training culture
Suncor Benefits from VISTA's TruckLogic™ training system - Engineering & Mining Journal, October 2011 issue
Total rehaul: New training program improves safety and efficiency - CIM Magazine, September/October 2012 issue
Training pays for itself - Equipment maintenance costs reduced by more than $150,000
Construction & Municipal​
How a mid-size construction company benefits from online training programs
Training pays for itself - Equipment maintenance costs reduced by more than $150,000
Schools & Vocational Training​
VISTA White Papers​
These white papers will give you a deeper look at the thinking behind our products, and the principles of instructional design that underlie our training programs and services.​
TruckLogic™ Haul Truck Operator Training Curriculum​
Suncor/TruckLogic™ technical paper - presented at the 2011 Haulage & Loading Conference in Phoenix, AZ
What you're not measuring could be affecting your productivity - the new paradigm of haul truck operator training
Contact us for more information.