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Motor Grader Video Series Released


Waterford, WI (April 2009) - VISTA Training, Inc. announces a series of job-specific DVDs devoted to safe and efficient motor grader operation. Developed with the input of professional motor grader operators, VISTA Training has produced the most comprehensive look at this topic ever released. The accuracy and detail of the photography and video combined with the active illustrations makes this series uniquely valuable. Each video begins with a brief machine introduction, a practical view of the pre-use inspection and the many unique features of a motor grader. Then you can select the topics that are applicable to your business from a menu:

  1. New Construction – road building basics, working slopes, parking lots, cul-de-sacs and spreading material.

  2. Road Maintenance – maintaining and blading gravel roads and shoulders, pulling and cleaning ditches, and clearing culverts.

  3. Operating Tips – day-to-day operational tips on topics such as wheel lean, frame articulation and windrow spreading.

  4. Snow Plowing – techniques that can save time while opening and widening roads. This series of DVDs is a dream come true for operators just getting started on motor graders. But the experienced pros agreed that this was the best-of-the-best in instructional presentations and is easily worth the investment. About VISTA Training VISTA Training, Inc., founded in 1991, provides training solutions for people involved in earthmoving, excavating, construction and mining applications. Over 10,000 customers use VISTA products and services to provide equipment safety, skills and productivity training to employees. Headquartered in Waterford, Wisconsin, USA with a Canadian subsidiary near the oil sands mining operations of northern Alberta, Canada, VISTA provides the mining and construction industries with a variety of computer-based training modules, videos, DVDs and instructor kits, on-site equipment operator training and cost effective, PC-based equipment simulators. For more information, please contact: Marketing Manager VISTA Training Inc. Ph: 262-514-2886 ext. 305 E-mail:

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