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The Savvy™ Screen helps trainers to become digital champions.

The Savvy™ is an interactive touch screen, a white board, a video library, a document folder, a youtube display device, a 3D simulator, a lesson plan - all in one.

What can you do with the Savvy™?

The Savvy™ helps trainers to become digital champions. It enables them to:

  • Present 2D content in 3D – rotating objects, providing perspectives never seen before.

  • Make abstract concepts come alive, easy to understand – making the flow of gasses visual showing drilled holes, or geological features, from different angles.

  • Present lessons, videos, simulation scenarios and games to engage the learners.

  • Promote peer learning – with groups of learners drawing, planning, playing together.

  • Use clickers to do instant progress checks and assessments for groups of learners.


What can you show on the Savvy™?

The Savvy™ displays:

  • 3D environments – mines, stopes, sub-stations, waiting places, workshops, rescue chambers, clinics.

  • 3D objects – such as vehicles with components, checklists and circuits to demonstrate fault-finding.

  • Simulations games – linked to various virtual environments, with storylines mimicking working life using artificial intelligence (AI to show how to best manage traffic or plan shift activities.)

  • Step-by-step protocols – on a split screen, next to the hazard; or with controls overlaying the hazard.

  • With audio clips, documents, maps, lesson templates, assessment questions and ‘drop and drag’ quizzes.​


The Savvy™ is easy to use.

The facilitator – and the learners - can:

  • Draw on the screen - to show, for example, how to support a brow.

  • Click on ‘hot spots’ and zoom in or out to highlight hazards.

  • Open or close ventilation doors, valves, escape routes.

  • Make annotations, insert graphic danger zones or control icons.

  • Use it as a whiteboard to write upon, then capture screen shots for reference.


And, YES!, the Savvy™ links to the cloud.

The sts3D SavvyScreenTM app:

  • Has an inventory menu and web links, and can easily connect to the internet.

  • Links to the sts3D XRS platform – for deployment and reporting and recordkeeping.

  • Accesses the STS library – providing access to the visual material and programs.


Manipulate content at the click of a button, the swipe of a finger, or the stretching of the hand... instantly, just like your smart phone. Being so versatile, the Savvy™ is the ideal companion for all your VR devices – headsets, tactile simulators and interactive walls – becoming the pivot of your VR Learning Centre.  Plus, you can use the Savvy™ anywhere... at the shaft entrance, the waiting place, or the underground workshop.





Operation & Safety 

VISTA's Operation & Safety Series or Silver Series eLearning programs.


Jurnee™ Kits

VISTA's line of full Instructor Kits ideal for classroom style teaching.



VISTA's line of powerful PC-based Simulators.

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