Web-based training has matured to the point where it offers mines a compelling, affordable way to deliver basic training to new hires and experienced equipment operators.
Sophisticated training tools Far more than just CD- or DVD-based videos converted for online delivery, which was the norm a few years ago, today's web-based training programs are sophisticated training tools that can incorporate a large variety of media, including:
Scenario-based learning
Branching of learning content
Video clips
Pre-tests to assess trainees' knowledge prior to the course
Post-tests, which measure how much trainees have learned In addition, web-based training programs can be integrated with a learning management system (LMS), which enables trainers to manage courses and trainees, and maintain training records for them. In short, web-based training programs have evolved to the point where mines can benefit from their unique advantages - including reduced cost compared to instructor-led training and DVD-based training programs.