Since late May, when VISTA presented a technical paper at the 2011 Haulage & Loading Conference about the effectiveness of TruckLogic™ at Suncor, we've received an update from Kirk McClain, Manager of Mine Operations Training at the mine: The improvement in the incident rate (50% during the pilot program in mid-2010) has held fairly constant during the last year. This demonstrates that the training did take hold and that new operators have continued to use what they learned to operate more safely. All too often, trainees learn something new, but then tend to slip back into the old ways or adopt the prevailing attitudes of their coworkers. Everyone wants to fit in. But this hasn't happened at Suncor, perhaps because the company's deeply ingrained culture of continuous improvement doesn't allow for backsliding. Plus, everyone from seasoned truck operators to field supervisors and dispatchers has seen the positive difference this training curriculum has made in the mine. It's actually made their jobs easier - which makes it more likely that they will continue to support the principles and concepts it teaches. Isn't this what you want? Training that creates a sustainable difference in your mine? Click here to view an article from Engineering & Mining Journal magazine about Suncor's implementation of TruckLogic™. Click here to view a presentation from the 2011 Haulage & Mining conference, where VISTA gave a presentation on this customer success story. Contact us to learn how TruckLogic™ can benefit your operations at or +262 514-2886 ext. 305. We look forward to talking with you about your needs!
Suncor update: Further proof of the effectiveness of the TruckLogic™ curriculum
Updated: Mar 15, 2024