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New VISTA Tire Care training program helps mines extend the life of their haul truck tires


Updated: Mar 15, 2024

Waterford, WI (July 15, 2011) – VISTA Training, Waterford, Wisconsin, recently launched an affordable new Tire Care training module that aims to help mines to extend the life of their haul truck tires – and hopefully avoid costly tire shortages. Thanks to a booming global mining market, demand for large haul truck tires is very strong, and shortages are starting to drive up spot prices for tires in some parts of the world. Tire shortages, such as those the mining industry experienced in the early 2000s, can sideline haul trucks, costing mines millions of dollars in lost productivity. VISTA’s new Tire Care training program uses a variety of scenarios and problem-solving questions to help haul truck operators avoid obvious safety hazards – such as running over rocks, windrows and spilled materials on the haul road. It also alerts them to less visible hazards that tend to weaken truck tires and shorten their average life. This innovative training program also advocates a team approach to tire care. It explains how operators of haul trucks, shovels and support equipment can work together to significantly increase tire life. The roles of road maintenance personnel, supervisors, managers, mine engineers and tire maintenance personnel are also explored in this program. “Taking a proactive approach to tire management is a very cost-effective way to minimize the impact of tire shortages,” explains VISTA Training CEO Bruce Rabe. “Even a modest increase in average fleet tire life can mean millions of dollars in savings annually. Those savings go right to the mine’s bottom line,” he added. Part of VISTA’s new Silver Series of training modules, this new tire management program is approximately one hour in length and is accessible via web browser. That means mines can train when it’s most convenient, anywhere a broadband internet connection is available. The program can be accessed online via a credit card or PayPal purchase for only US$100. Volume pricing is also available for training entire teams of mine workers. To learn more about the new Silver Series of computer-based safety training modules from VISTA Training, please visit the VISTA website. For more information about the Tire Care training program, please visit its product page. About VISTA Training VISTA Training, Inc., founded in 1991, provides training solutions for people involved in earthmoving, excavating and mining applications. Over 10,000 customers use VISTA products and services to provide equipment safety, skills and productivity training to employees. Headquartered in Waterford, Wisconsin, USA with a Canadian branch near the oil sands mining operations of northern Alberta, Canada, VISTA provides the mining and construction industries with a variety of computer-based training modules, videos, DVDs and instructor kits, on-site equipment operator training and cost effective, PC-based equipment simulators. Hi-Resolution Image Downloads

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